Thursday, February 4, 2010

Globiloria week 2

The things I think was hard was uploading pictures. It was very hard and confusing. Downloading videos was not that hard it wasn't real easy though. the past week has been fun. We have uploaded pictures on our wiki. It was a little confusing. We got to pick a picture and put it on there. The videos was very fun. I enjoyed downloading the videos the most.


  1. I thought tah it was counfusing when we uploaded pictures also. The easiest part was when we uploaded the video. I think that the video was the eaiest thing that we did in globiloria so far.

  2. Greg, I thought your blog post was interesting. I also enjoyed downloading the videos because they were funny.

  3. Greg, your blog is neat. This week was chalenging at times, but it wasn't very hard. The videos were funny! Nice Job!

  4. Good blog. I liked uploading the videos a lot too.

  5. Greg, for now, because of all the codes you have to put in, things might seem to be difficult. But, the more time you spend in Globaloria class, the easier things will become. Don't give up and keep on listening to your teachers. You are lucky to have such great help in class!

  6. Hey Greg. I'm glad that you're having some fun! Globaloria is a challenging class but it's a great feeling when you are able to do things that you've never done before. Keep up the great work!


    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
